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How To eat Your Way to a Healthy Smile: The nutritional path to oral health
A beautiful smile isn’t just a sign of good oral hygiene; it’s a great indication of your overall health. While we often focus on the import

Everything you need to know about receding gums
Gums can wear away or become pushed back, exposing the roots of the teeth.

link between dental infections and joint pain
Infections in the mouth can create bacteria that travel to other areas of the body, such as the joints.

Gum Disease could increase chances of premature birth
WEDNESDAY, June 22, 2022 (HealthDay News) – A small preliminary study suggests that the health of an expectant mother's gums may affect her

Dental facts you probably don't know. Part 12
#111 - You should not keep your toothbrush near a toilet. The airborne particles from the flush can travel up to a distance of 6 feet.

Dental facts you probably don't know. Part 11
During the Dark Ages, (400-1400 AD) popular belief was that you could grow a lost tooth by obtaining a tooth from someone else – ideally fro

Dental facts you probably don't know. Part 10
Some Inuit people can exert 350lbs of pressure, while the average North American can only exert approximately 30-40lbs per square inch of pr

Dental facts you probably don't know. Part 9
In the middle ages, people believed that dogs teeth boiled in wine made an excellent mouth rinse for tooth decay prevention.

Everything you need to know about dental abscesses
Everything you need to know about dental abscesses

Dental facts you probably don't know. Part 8
Crocodiles have it easier then you do. A species of bird called the crocodile bird flies into the open mouths of crocs and cleans their teet

Dental facts you probably don't know. Part 7
Dolphins use their teeth to grab only, not to chew, as dolphins' jaws have no

Dental facts you probably don't know. Part 6
Contrary to popular belief, George Washington's famous dentures were not made from wood. His four pairs of custom choppers were crafted from

Dental facts you probably don't know. Part 5
A snail's mouth is no larger than the head of a pin, yet it can contain over 25,000 teeth.

How to keep healthy teeth and gums
Good oral hygiene is necessary to keep teeth and gums healthy. It involves habits such as brushing twice a day..

Dental facts you probably don't know. Part 4
• There are more bacteria in the human mouth than there are people on the Earth.

Dental facts you probably don't know. Part 3
It was customary during the middle ages to kiss a donkey if you had a toothache.

Dental facts you probably don't know. Part 2
Learn about dental history and discover advances in dental health. The Samuel D. Harris National Museum of Dentistry opened in 1996

Dental facts you probably don't know. Part 1
Dental facts you probably don't know. Part 1

The 3 biggest causes of mouth cancer
By knowing the causes of mouth cancer, we can take positive steps to reduce our own level of risk, says a leading health charity. The...

DIY Teeth Whitening – Why You Should Avoid It
To learn which DIY methods exist today in the web hemisphere and learn how and why they damage your teeth, continue reading.
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